3 postdoc positions in Human Diversity!
…one of which to BEDLAN. Human Diversity consortium is looking for 3 postdocs, deadline for application January 31st, 2025. One of these will operate with language evolution, one with archaeogenetics and one with evolutionary health. We invite young scholars interested in interdiscplinary super-cool work to apply to the team! Read more.
Finland is not far away from the home of Santa Claus (Joulupukki), it is certified as a good place to live and the Human Diversity consortium (see Figure) is a superb environment to build your profile in science.

Human Diversity Steering group meeting at the Archipelago Research Institute at Seili Island, Nauvo.
Human Diversity -konsortio
BEDLAN on osa Turun yliopiston Ihmisen monimuotoisuus – Human Diversity – konsortiota, joka sai 2022 Suomen Akatemian Profi-rahoituksen – JEEEE. https://sites.utu.fi/humandiversity/

Lue Suomen itä-länsijaon tutkimuksestamme Tiede-lehden uusimmasta numerosta!
Suomen itä-länsijaon tutkimustamme on esitelty uusimmassa Tiede-lehdessä!
Pähkinäsaaren rauhasta 700 vuotta – Lue lisää aiheeseen liittyvästä tutkimuksestamme Turun sanomista sekä nettisivuiltamme!
Pähkinäsaaren rauhan rajan sekä Suomen itä-länsijaon tutkimuksestamme on julkaistu juttu Turun Sanomissa! BEDLAN-sivujen lukijoille on tarjolla pidempi juttu ja tarkempi kuvaus tuloksista täällä. Katso uusimmat kartat siitä, miten Suomi on jakautunut geenien, kielen ja kulttuurin suhteen ja osuuko Pähkinäsaaren rauhan raja todellakin itä-länsirajalle!
Turun yliopiston Human divesity -konsortio järjestää aiheesta seminaarin keskiviikkona 27.9. klo 11-14 Arcanumin Luoma-tilassa.

Final seminar of URKO project 13th-14th December
Final seminar of URKO project (Uralic triangulation) will be 13.-14.12.2022 in Herrankukkaro, Rymättylä, but it is available for audience via Zoom. More information coming soon! Read about URKO project from here. The talks are in English, if there is non-Finnish speaking audience.
Uralilaisen Kolmion eli triangelin joulukilahdus kuultavissa Zoomissa 13. ja 14. joulukuuta.

The University of Tampere Foundation’s dissertation prizes to Olli and Kaj!
The University of Tampere Foundation’s dissertation prizes of €1.500 were conferred 5.9.2022 to Olli Kuparinen (”Muutoksen mekanismit: Kolmen aikapisteen reaaliaikatutkimus Helsingin puhekielestä”) and Kaj Syrjänen (”Quantitative Language Evolution: Case Studies in Finnish Dialects and Uralic Languages”). Congrats! More information here.
International course: Interdisciplinary human past and quantitative Uralistics, Univ. of Turku, 21th-25th November, 2022
Finnish Academy project URKO – Uralilainen kolmio (Uralic triangulation) organizes a BIP course in November 2022. It includes physical meeting in Turku 21-25th Nov and virtual components before and after the course. See more information about the course here

There is no course fee, but we cannot offer travelling or accomodation grants. Funding the travelling is applied through Erasmus scheme of the participant’s university. Take contact to your Erasmus officer (or to your university teacher’s first).
The course takes place if there are min 15 in-person participants. Please express your interest by filling the form here! The final enrollment is done through your Erasmus officers who enroll you to your local BIP portal. (Or contact us if you will use other than Erasmus funding.)
We can host up to 30 in-person participants in Turku intensive week. In the case of > 30 people interested to participate in-person, we will suggest a full on-line participation to some of the applicants. Unfortunately, we cannot promise much support for the online participants due to lack of human-power.
Note, that this is only the first announcement of the course, and more information coming here non-stop.
Please do not hesitate to drop an email to jenni.santaharju (at) utu.fi or outi.vesakoski (at) utu.fi or about general questions about the course or tarja.virta (at) utu.fi about BIP details
BEDLAN talks in Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Vienna
General sessions
Mervi de Heer: The borrowing profile mediated by the basic vocabularies of Uralic languages. 24.8.2022.
Miina Norvik: Uralic typology in the light of a new comprehensive dataset. 22.8.2022
Timo Rantanen: Geographical Database of the Uralic Languages. 26.8.2022
Symposium organised by BEDLAN: The Interdisciplinary past of Uralic linguistic session
Jenni Santaharju & Timo Rantanen: Genetic and linguistic east-west division of Finland. 24.8.2022.
Anne-Mai Ilumäe: Human and language migration to the shores of the Gulf of Finland during the Iron Age – Finnic languages, tarand burial culture and climate anomalies. 24.8.2022
Outi Vesakoski & Michael Dunn: Curating historical linguistics data towards the needs of interdisciplinary study of human past. 24.8.2022
Kielitieteen päivät, Turku 2022
Unni Leino: Voiko kielenmuutoksen nähdä evoluutiona? 14.5.2022.
Sini Knuutila: Kadonneen d:n jäljillä. 14.5.2022.
Jenni Santaharju: Kielen variaatio ja muutos populaatiogenetiikan viitekehyksessä. 14.5.2022.
Outi Vesakoski, Jenni Santaharju & Timo Rantanen: Suomen kielellis-geneettis-kulttuurinen kahtiajako ja jakolinjojen syyt. 14.5.2022.
Mervi de Heer: Kielikontaktien vaikutus kielikunnan sanaston kehitykseen: uralilaisen perussanaston näkökulma. 14.5.2022.
Outi Vesakoski: Vertikaalinen ja horisontaalinen kielievoluutio. 14.5.2022.
10th International Seasonal School in Finno-Ugric Studies, Tartu, April 4th – 9th, 2022
BEDLAN and Uppsala University organizes an afternoon workshop “Interdisciplinary and digital Uralistics”. For the students who have enrolled, see information here.
User interface for UraTyp data!
Finally, Uralic Typological data or “UraTyp” is published!
The data can be found from Zenodo and from web app Uralic Areal Typology. The data is published as part of our paper Uralic typology in the light of a new comprehensive dataset that will be published in the first volume of Journal of Uralic Linguistics in May-June 2022. Our revised ms can be found here .
Biggest thanks go to Miina Norvik for coordinating the data collection and Robert Forkel for putting up the web service for data visualization and sharing! More about the background is provided here.
Thesis award for Olli Kuparinen
Kotikielen Seura gave Olli Kuparinen an award of 4000 euros from his thesis “Muutoksen mekanismit. Kolmen aikapisteen reaaliaikatutkimus Helsingin puhekielestä“. More information on their webpages and on facebook.
Theses accepted
Thesis of both Kaj Syrjänen and Olli Kuparinen have been accepted with the best grade Pass with Distinction. Congratulations Kaj and Olli!
Dissertation defences
6th August 2021: Kaj Syrjänen
Kaj Syrjänen from Tampere University defended his thesis “Quantitative Language Evolution: Case Studies in Finnish Dialects and Uralic Languages” on Friday 6th August 2021 at 12 o’clock. The opponent was Dr. Annemarie Verkerk from Saarland University and custos Dr. Unni Leino from Tampere University. The thesis is available here and dissertation defence will be in Zoom. More information about the thesis (in Finnish) here.
18th June 2021: Olli Kuparinen
Olli Kuparinen from Tampere University defended his thesis “Muutoksen mekanismit. Kolmen aikapisteen reaaliaikatutkimus Helsingin puhekielestä” on Friday 18th June 2021 at 12 o’clock. The opponent was Dr. Heikki Paunonen from University of Helsinki and custos Dr. Unni Leino from Tampere University. The thesis is available here. More information about the thesis (in Finnish) here.
Writing retreats
September 2020 Seili – Archipelago Research Institute of UTU
Covid-escapism! Anne-Mai Ilumäe, Meeli Roose, Kristiina Tambets, Elina Salmela, Outi Vesakoski. Front raw: Emenems Xenicus, Solvallarens Cap and Rantakorven Kimberlay = Peni, Roti and Tähti.