
BEDLAN is committed to making the data used for our analyses freely available to the academic community, so that our findings can replicated and extended.


UraTyp, Uralic typological data

UraTyp consists of 35 Uralic languages and a total of 360 features, mainly covering the levels of morphology, syntax, and phonology. The features belong to two different datasets: 195 features’ definitions originate from the Grambank (GB) database, developed for comparison of world language typology (to be released soon for word languages), whereas 165 features (UT) have been designed specifically to describe the typological variation within the Uralic language family. More about the background of the UraTyp.

In the future we intend to release the following datasets:

Data and data description in Zenodo (Norvik et al. 2021)

User interface Uralic Areal Typology

The data release article (final submitted version, Norvik et al. 2022).

UraLex basic vocabulary dataset (v2.0)

UraLex is a dataset consisting of lexical reflexes of 313 meanings from 26 Uralic languages. Most of the meanings originate from standardized basic vocabulary lists. The lexical reflexes are accompanied by multistate characters that represent their historical relationships.

The new 2.0 version of UraLex (released May 21, 2021) adds loanword information related to the lexical reflexes.

Digital dialect atlas of Finnish

Lauri Kettunen’s Dialect Atlas of Finnish from the 1940s includes 213 pages of dialectal features describing variation within the Finnish language. The atlas was originally digitized from its book format by the Finnish Dialect Atlas project, led by Sheila Embleton and Eric S. Wheeler and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This data was checked for errors and converted into its current format by the BEDLAN research project. The atlas is available online as part of the Kotus Language Atlas.

Original dataset by KOTUS, York University and BEDLAN

Geographical database of the Uralic languages

Geographical database of the Uralic languages is a comprehensive spatial database of past and present language distributions. It consists of state-of-the-art Uralic maps and geospatial datasets.

Dataset available in Zenodo

Uralic speaker areas in the web app Uralic Historical Atlas, URHIA